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Sunday 22 July 2018

Interesting facts about Instagram

"Hello friends i'm Abhishek Jha welcome to my blog <science, computer and gaming zone>. Today we will know unknown facts about Instagram that is super interesting."

Interesting facts about Instagram

1.)) Instagram was founded in October 2010.

Instagram is a photo and video sharing owned by Facebook. it was created by Kevin Systrom. it was launched in October 2010 for ios.

Interesting facts about Instagram

2.)) More than 50 billion photos have been shared in Instagram history.

Interesting facts about Instagram

3.)) Instagram was sold for 1 billion dollar in 2012.

Interesting facts about Instagram

4.)) When Instagram introduced videos, 5 million videos were uploaded in first 24 hours.

Interesting facts about Instagram

5.)) 40% of all internet uses are on Instagram.

Interesting facts about Instagram

6.)) 59% of internet uses between the age of 18-29 use Instagram.

Interesting facts about Instagram

7.)) Instagram has been installed more than 1 billion times on the Google Play Store alone.

Interesting facts about Instagram

8.)) 50 percent of people on Instagram follow at least one brand.

Interesting facts about Instagram

9.)) In 2017, top brands are posting 4.9 times per week on Instagram.

Interesting facts about Instagram

10.)) Selena Gomez is the most followed celebrity on Instagram.

If she were a country and her followers were that country's population, it would be the 12th most populous country in the world. And one of her most popular picture ever was for Coca Cola.

Interesting facts about Instagram

11.)) 5% of people on Instagram take action after being inspired by a post.

Interesting facts about Instagram

12.)) Performance campaigns work.

70 percent of performance campaigns generate statistically significant lifts for online conversion or mobile app installs.

Interesting facts about Instagram

13.)) 48.8 percent of brands are on Instagram.

Interesting facts about Instagram

14.)) More than 95 million users are from US.

Interesting facts about Instagram

15.)) About 91% posts are photos on Instagram.

Interesting facts about Instagram

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